Sunday, October 3, 2010


I stole this from Mack Oates. A. Because it's about my grandparents who were the most amazing people on the planet. B. It's an encouraging message.

Walking with Cigars
I had just finished cooking for a rehearsal dinner and was standing
around visiting when Patty Morris, a lifelong friend, came up and gave
me a hug. My wife PK was there and we started talking about weddings
and families and Patty said "You remember that time we walked around
the block smoking cigars?" ……. When I was growing up Patty's husband
Eli and I were best friends, we've known each other since we were 10,
46 years. We're still close, his office is 30 feet from mine…. His mom and
dad were like second parents to me, I spent as many hours at his house
as I did at mine, probably more if you don't count sleep. To me his mom
was Modelle (mo - dell) and his dad was Eli Sr. … Later when the
grandkids showed up their names got changed to NaNa & BooBoo …
They were the sweetest people in the whole world. We did all kinds of
stupid things, but never really got in trouble. It was always fun and
comfortable to be in their house… Modelle always called me "darling" and
gave me a big hug every time I walked in the house … In her younger
years she was a Rockette at Radio City Music Hall in New York. Later
she and her sister were a dance team that traveled around the country
doing shows like Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire. At one point they
were the opening act at the Peabody Hotel here in Memphis where Eli
Sr was a Bell Hop with the little round hat and uniform, just like in the
movies .. They could tell stories for hours … Imagine your mom being a
Rockette!!! They got married, had kids and moved in down the street
from us…. Modelle was 41 when young Eli was born, David came a few
years later. She was 51 when they moved in to our neighborhood. They
were Eli's parents but they seemed more like Grandparents. They had
that Grandparent feel that all kids love. They did stuff that grandparents
do. Modelle fed me every time I was there. Eli Sr. let us drive his car and
didn't try to scare us with what would happen if we drove too fast. He
put up a basketball goal that we played on almost every day. I ran
through one of his windows playing ping pong one time, he just laughed
and had it fixed… Several years ago Modelle died and then a few years
after that Eli Sr. died. It was hard to lose them. It was like something
magical had been taken away … After Eli Sr's funeral I was sitting in my
office wondering if there was anything I could do. I knew they had more
food than they could eat in a month and all the details were done. There
wasn't really much left. Then I remembered what my dad always said
about funerals and weddings: "90% is just showing up." So I thought
the best thing I could do is just show up. I drove over to their house and
just as I was pulling up Patty, Eli, Lindsay, Tommy, and Avery (the whole
family) were walking out the front door. Eli said "want to go for a walk?"
… "Sure" … "Want a Cigar?" … "Sure" … and he handed me one. We lit our
cigars, all of us, and started walking. We walked
through the night laughing and smoking and telling NaNa & BooBoo
stories … it was one of the great moments of my life….

God's like that: Most of the time all you have to do is show up. He'll take
it from there. Your whole life has been preparing you for the moment. Go
and see what happens. Don't be afraid, just go …

Maybe I'll start taking cigars to funerals. It's a great way to celebrate
someone's life.

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