Wednesday, October 27, 2010


My good friend, Nathan Dugger sent me a text message yesterday that really made me laugh, then made me think. This was the text I received... "Dude your blog is intense. It's not like a 'glance over it when you're bored' blog. It's a 'pay attention cuz this shit is deep' blog." Thanks, Nate...

If you know Nathan, you know that this guy is an incredible person. He is real. Sarcastic, but real. He will give it to you straight, no matter what. Alright, so Nathan is still a male (no offense guys, but you know it's true) so he doesn't necessarily show his emotions and feelings on his sleeve, but he'd be happy to be honest and open when questioned. Nathan doesn't get caught up in the cultural pressures, he goes after what he wants and desires. You know what makes this even more impressive? Nathan could be a huge jerk. Nathan is by far the most talented person I know. He travels the country playing guitar while making every guy envious and every girl weak at the knees. He knows this, but doesn't let it get to him. He has a wonderful, brilliant, and beautiful girlfriend that trusts him and supports him. All that to say, Nathan is someone who inspires me. I know in Nathan's own little way through that text he was telling me he was proud of me (Nate, if you're reading this and that's not at all what your text meant, just let me believe differently).

Enough about Nathan, this blog is supposed to be about me. ;) I'm proud of the fact that my blog is considered "intense." I am working towards going deeper in my own life, so I can't help showing that in writing out my thoughts. I know most blogs are about traveling, training for marathons/triathlons, crafts (shout-out to destinycraftherpants), etc, but my passion right now is growth, living life to the fullest, searching for my heart, and following Christ. That is intense shit! I want to be real. I want to not be influenced by the cultural pressures, but instead go after what I believe I'm supposed to go after. It is so easy for us to live our lives at the surface level. Go through the motions and still feel satisfied. That's what I've been doing, and I'm using this blog as an outlet to push myself to change. And honestly, I'm jealous of the people who are training, traveling, crafting their pants, etc. But that's not my journey right now. Well, my next post will hopefully be about my road trip from Memphis to Portland, but I have a feeling it will be more about emotions than landmarks.

Back to working on my damn resume... Maybe my passion should be more about finding a job...

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