Saturday, February 5, 2011


It's fun to steal someone else's words... Makes my job a lot easier. Austin has told me a few times how much he loves the word "Emmanuel." He loves all that it encompasses. So I asked him to write out all that it means to him for me (I definitely had ulterior motives, but either way I was excited to hear what it meant to him). This is his beautiful response. It was definitely encouraging to me. Not to mention I kinda like the loving words he says about me...

"One of the best gifts I have ever been given is wrapped around my wrist right now...

Emmanuel: God with us. Emmanuel or Immanuel is only written a few times in scripture, but I love how it is used. Emmanuel is explained by Matthew as meaning, "God with us," but it is his description for Christ so it is also one way I see the development of the trinity actually written in scripture. Since there is only reference of the trinity in the bible, I think it is pretty cool that Matthew would use Hebrew terminology to speak about the coming of Christ. "God with us" transcends time and space. If we are to consider the tenses of "God with us" we can see that time is transcended as the meaning could read "God was with us," "God is with us," and "God will be with us." When I think about God being with us in the past I think of other scripture that reminds us of the Lord's consideration of us before the foundations of the earth; He knew us before we were a thought or a possibility, He knew us before our countless generations that came before us...God was with us. "God is with us," communicates to me the immediacy of who God is and his activity; God was not only once and is gone, (Niche- existentialist philosopher who claimed God was dead)  he currently is present and active. When we can understand that the Lord is present with us, I honestly believe we can find peace at a time we could not imagine. When we find peace in the midst of our shattered broken hearts, minds, bodies and souls I believe the connectivity and thanksgiving should be directed at God as well as those whom he puts in our life to find peace. The relationships the Lord puts in our lives exist to help bring a peace that is ever striving to simply be with God. As the moments match up with the will of the Lord, we experience the Lord as He IS with us. "God will be with us" walks us onto a path of energy for the future. Sometimes I want to hold on to what's happening now, or an experience but I must keep in mind the Lord is calling me to move forward. I am called to pursue difficult goals and persevere through failure as well as success. I cannot dwell on either one success or one failure but must consider what is to come so that I can work hard in preparation of the unknown struggles, fears, hurt etc. to come. I see the Lord transcending time, and to wear His name on my wrist is a privilege and a privilege that I neither deserve nor can completely fathom.

Emmanuel communicates more to me than just God "being" with us, but also that we are with him. Your tattoo reminds me of this, "Beloved Child." Children are not claimed if they are not wanted and desired. The Lord claims us through calling us his children, through his adoption of us as lost and homeless orphans. A father is quick to hold his child in a storm or after a bad dream, you and I hug to pour out affection. When our parents or our friends embrace us, we experience God. Emmanuel is displayed throughout our daily life and life together. Emmanuel brings peace because, as Job experienced, it sometimes feels as though all we have is Emmanuel and sometimes it feels as if we have no one, not even God but we can rest in the peace and grace that is given to us no matter the loss. Emmanuel."

 I haven't thought much about the word "Emmanuel" before. I just feel like I see it around Christmas time. I definitely will start thinking differently about it now.

Thank you Austin for being willing to share your words AND your wrist. Also, props to destinyray jewelry for the bracelet. Order yours today! Pick a word that means a lot to you... (Lenny's doesn't know what they're missing. Marketing skills out the wazoo.)

Austin has hairy arms.


  1. great post...i'm going to share some of these thoughts with my bible study ladies.
    oh, and nice bracelet:)

  2. linds this just encouraged me so much! thanks for sharing! love and miss you!

